31 May 2008

on loneliness

"When I get lonely these days, I think: So be lonely. Learn your way around loneliness. Make a map of it. Sit with it, for once in your life. Welcome to the human experience." - Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love

Call me masochistic. But there was a time in my life when I was most happy in my misery, when I found solace in tragedy.

And so, here I am again, alone with Loneliness. I'm letting its cold fingers touch me. Yes, damn, I'll sit with it, even hold hands with it. Hell, I'll even sleep with it. Nietzsche said, "That which does not kill us makes us stronger." I know it will be futile to fight with it because how can one win with Loneliness?

So, like spurned lovers forced to be together, I'll live with it for now.

28 May 2008

the Table 10 girls

There's nothing more dangerous than 5 girls (or should I say women?) sharing one table in a wedding attended by smug marrieds and single men. But we came, we looked great, and we had a roaring good time! To Simounette, I don't want to say "finally", but yes, FINALLY! You're hitched! It was great seeing all of you ka-batches and of course, remembering the good old Sigma Delta Phi days. To Paris in 2010! Cheers!

So who's at Table 10? Here we are...

the newly weds with the ka-biatches

the beaming bride, Marose, Marge, and me

the gorgeous line up

Me, Micki, and the bride's evil twin, Suzette

even the camera was drunk that night!

channeling SATC: the two Samanthas (?!) having a cosmopolitan

and the one who was a "no-show" -- we missed you Cynthia Q.

23 May 2008

yippee! David Cook!

Yippee! David Cook! What else can I say? It's time for the MAN to win. Young, pleasant, wholesome Archuleta please exit to the backstage please -- for now. You'll have your time when you grow up little boy.

22 May 2008

i love you my babies

I miss my kids. Zachary, my almost 9 year old son chatted with me this morning and he told me how much he misses me. "I'm lonely without you, Mom." These words coming from him pains me. To say that I miss my kids is an understatement. But there are some things that need to be done here. Everything about my life right now is for my children. I may blabber about my life as if I'm having such a great time here, but truth be told, I'm miserable. Very, very miserable. My kids make me happy. Without them, I feel so empty and incomplete. But I know that this will come to pass. Soon I'll have my precious children with me. I love you babies.

19 May 2008

the wedding aftermath

After a grueling 24 hours of not sleeping a wink while inebriated with champagne (I lost count after my 5th glass) and wearing the last smudges of mascara from the wedding party the night before my super-delayed flight, I finally made it to Georgia.

I'm here now in a charming city called Lawrenceville in the county of Gwinnett, Ga. I've been in and out of Georgia in the past 10 years and each time I'm here, I feel so at peace and at home. My brother Noli, who's an anesthetist, have made Georgia his home for more than 12 years now. The charm of the south has apparently wooed him to stay this long. Who wouldn't be when the weather is as sunny as back home (in the PI where else?) with just the right dose of "cold" to counteract all that sun. (Unlike last Saturday when my curls almost froze from the wind and the rain while attending my sorority sister Monette's wedding in NJ.)

Let's backtrack a little. Last Friday I went to Monette's reception dinner an hour and a half late. I know it's a sin to be late in this part of the world, but when you're in Hoboken, parking is as hard to find as the Holy Grail. There I was, in my blue, clingy knit dress and heels driving aimlessly in the one-way streets of Hoboken without a clue where I was going. At 8:45 pm (the dinner was at 7:30) I was already sweating like a roasted pig and was thinking of not showing up anymore. But finally, after much cursing and hissing, I was able to find a sweet spot just 2 blocks from Wild Ginger, an Asian restaurant in Washington St. Of course, after a million apologies to Monette and her whole family, I felt so relieved to have made it in one piece (although at that time I had no inkling whether the car will be towed or fined -- but neither happened, so I guess I parked on the right spot).

The next day, I promised that I wouldn't be late for the wedding. And so, at 1 pm, I was already curling my hair to be able to make it to the 2:30 ceremony. After a stressful time with my wardrobe (there were no buttons, no snaps, just a flimsy sash to hold everything together -- it was like a scene in Survivor NJ where I had to make do with a minuscule safety pin to preserve my dignity and my sanity), I jumped in Mark's car (a friend of my sister's) and was at St. Ann's by 2:15 pm. A few minutes later, my sorority batchmates Marge and Marose arrived (with Marose complaining about her stilettos and the parking, what else?). We haven't seen each other for 10 years, so you could just imagine how happy we were -- stilettos, satin static, and safety pins notwithstanding.

Monette's wedding was a simple but intimate affair. It was so like Monette, very straightforward, no frou-frou, yet romantic in every way. The reception was beautiful, in spite of the uncooperative weather (it was freezing cold, and the rain and fog ruined the view of Manhattan which was, in the first place, the whole idea behind holding the reception at Chart House in Weehawken -- I think they should demand a discount!). The ka-bitches (it's actually ka-batches, but I think the former fits us all perfectly) and I had a blast with the food, the company, and the conversation. Micki Poe came all the way from Manila and Minnesota, Marge from Missouri, and Suzette from Manila (actually she would fly to and from another planet if need be because she can't possibly miss her twin sister's wedding!). We were expecting Cynthia to fly from LA but a telenovela-like scenario made her miss her 11 am flight to NY. More of the wedding, Batch '90, and the Table 10 girls when I get some pictures from the ka-bitches. Calling Marge, Suzette, Micki -- email me the photos ASAP!

The night ended with us passing around Cosmopolitans at the Sheraton (Marge was insistent to have those SITC drinks because we were after all in NY although technically we were still in NJ overlooking New York City), promising to see each other in Paris when our batch turns 20 years. Oh my goodness, has it been that long? It feels just like yesterday when I danced while singing Boy George's The War Song on the steps of Palma Hall in Diliman (in make up and costume!). Now, most of us are married, with kids, mortgages (them not me), and ex-husbands (them not me).

Time flies so fast. And now, I'm here. In Georgia. But dreaming of the UP Sigma Delta Phi tambayan, the late night bonding (ok, drinking) sessions with sisters, the camaraderie on the steps of Palma, the gimmicks, the parties, the lifetime pledge of love and support, and the years of sisterhood that started almost 20 years ago on that tea party in La Vista. I wish we were complete last Friday (all 15, er, 16 of us -- no controversies please!), maybe in Paris, we will be. But hey, for those who made it -- it was great to see you ka-batches!

12 May 2008

while I was sleeping

I woke up today after a relatively good night's sleep in spite of the wind howling outside which I could hear above the racket made by the ancient heater beside my bed. Yesterday was a fun day for me (mass at Weehawken, lunch at Shanghai Joe in Queens -- the dumpling / siopao with soup inside its gooey dough was fantastico, book shopping, etc.) -- it was after all, my day, Mother's Day. And so, with yesterday's activities that sapped my 30-something body with all of its strength, it's best that I stay at home today. And I don't think I want to step outside really, what with the wind and the rain and the fact that I'm just a hundred pounds, give and take. With my weight plus my small, feeble umbrella, I might end up somewhere in the middle of the Hudson River if I'm lucky or on top of the Empire State Building if I'm luckier (because, I could just take the elevator down and go shopping in 34th St. -- no sweat).

After my morning coffee (a prerequisite to my day, or else my friend Ms. Migraine would come a-visiting if I don't chug the brew early on), I checked my emails and my messenger. Apparently, while I was sleeping like a baby, my real baby, Zaki, was patiently waiting for me to log in so he could chat with me. We chatted for a few minutes and said our goodbyes. My son was of course ecstatic after I told him that I was able to get his Ben 10 game.

While checking my emails, I read the news and felt so down. What is happening to the earth? First Myanmar, with thousands dead, and then China's earthquake, and the tornado in the south (in Georgia, including Missouri and Oklahoma). I'm thinking, the catastrophes might all be related. Mother nature unleashing her fury because of man's apathy, neglect, and abuse.

I feel for all the families that might have been separated, for all those who've lost something and more importantly someone, for the tragedy brought about by nature's wrath -- I deeply empathize.

While I was sleeping, somebody in China, in Myanmar, or in Oklahoma was grieving. What can I do here? What can we do? Today, I'm saying a special prayer for the victims of these unfortunate disasters. And a special prayer also goes for the safety of my own family back home. Today, we should all count our blessings and be grateful. God is good. And He is in our midst.

11 May 2008

big, bad, and beautiful

Here I am again in my 'Ode to NY' posts. Spent the whole day by my lonesome walking the streets of NY (as usual) while ruminating over the week that went so unbelievably fast. Last wednesday, met Gladioly (we worked together in SM a few years back) at Otto, one of Mario Batali's restos in NY. We had bellinis and pizza while catching up with the new (present predicament, plans for the future, etc.) and the old (our grand and gruelling days in SM). I went to her midtown apartment afterwards and it was as classy and as pretty as dear Glad. So happy for her that she has somehow found her little niche in this big, bad, and beautiful city.

I was also desperately seeking for Ben 10. Zaki made me promise to buy him the game and I had to sweep all of Times Square (shame on you Toys 'R' Us for not having it) and 34th St. for it. Well, congratulations to me, I was able to find the last one at Game Stop. Zaki will be very happy indeed. As for my little girl, I had to get a Dora bag for her since she's been repeatedly asking me to "buy me a big bag, mommy." She's 3 and she definitely knows what she wants.

I wish I could post photos of my jaunts here. But I left my trusty old cam back home. I guess I'll just have to keep all these in memory. I still have a lot of things planned out till I zoom off to the South next week: watch Conan (but I couldn't get tickets!), go to Soho, meet up with sorority sisters, go to Central Park, eat at Serendipity 3 on 60th St. (it is after all named after this blog or is it the other way around?), attend Monette's wedding (my sorority sis from UP is tying the knot finally!), have Margaritas at Black Bear, and hear mass at St. Pats (not necessarily in this order as alcohol and church don't really go well together-- do I have to go to confession for this?). Hopefully, I could do all these things without keeling over.

Oh well, till next post.

05 May 2008

start spreading the news...

You know how the rest of the song goes. I've been walking the streets of NY today and felt those oh-familiar feelings of glee once again. There's just something about this city that makes me happy. I had to meet my sister at 5th Ave. (not to shop -- as if), but to say goodbye to some Pinoy friends who were staying at The Peninsula and who were going back home to the P.I. tomorrow. I got queasy when I learned that they were paying $700 a room (um, they got 4 rooms, stayed for 20 or so days, so I did the math and almost fainted). After that I just felt depressed but instantly recovered after my sister suggested dinner. We went to grab some Japanese food on 49th St. and after the gyoza and the gigantic bowl of steaming noodles, I completely forgot about the room rate (ugh!).

Today was definitely a good day. I went to mass and made my 3 wishes at St. Lawrence in Weehawken, had lunch at Mitsuwa (yes, today is Japanese food day) in Edgewater, NJ., watched Iron Man, and crossed the tunnel to New York where I met my sister. I enjoyed the day immensely. The only thing (or should I say, "people") missing are my kids and of course, hubby dearest. But hey, I had my 3 wishes... and so, we'll see what's gonna happen next.