30 November 2011


I tried to change how this blog looks like and attempted to add more widgets like the FB like button, google+, and Twitter icon. I guess I failed. For a moment I thought I was successful only to realize that I should leave the programming to programmers. I also managed to change the whole look of the blog but somehow the new face came out... er, kinda lame. Good thing I was able to revert back to the original... I think. Well, we'll see after I "view blog" -- and here goes.
Bluejay Coffee's cheese roll, possibly the best cheese roll in Iloilo. Cheesy, sweet, soft. Heat it in the microwave for a few seconds and enjoy. And my camera is possibly, the worst digital camera ever. I need to upgrade. Fast.

Girl Action

I Spit On Your Grave is for us women who can handle a pair of garden scissors, fish hooks, and a shotgun without batting an eyelash. "Hell has no fury like a women scorned" is pretty much the idiom of choice in this movie and the many definitions of "revenge" can be seen here in graphic detail.

The movie, a re-release of Day of the Woman (a 1978 controversial rape revenge film) have been condemned by film critics for its graphic violence and lengthy depictions of gang rape. The film was named in 2010 one of TIME's Top 10 Ridiculously Violent Movies.

Go ahead, watch this for kicks. For the male viewers, I suggest that you hold on to your nether regions while watching.

Revival 2011

It's official. I am reviving this blog. Never mind that I am only being read by 3 people. Never mind that most of the time, I don't have any earth-shattering, world-changing news or views to write about. Facebook and Twitter might have killed this blog, but I am rising from the dead and Mark Zuckerberg can go to blogosphere's hell for all I care.