25 November 2008

movie date gone awry

So much for Twilight. I forgot that I am no longer in NY. I am in fact in the backwaters of hell and the movie won't be in theatres till Wednesday. Till then, I'll be doing some serious thumb-twiddling.

20 November 2008

movie date

Tomorrow, fans will troop to the theatres to watch the movie version of Meyer's Twilight. (And I will be one of those screaming fans wearing something really fanatical and tacky -- like a "Team Edward" shirt or a "Bella and Edward forever" pin. Ugh!).

Today, on the other hand, is the day that I have chosen to come out of my self-imposed hibernation. And what do you know, the moment I decided to "come out", I was bombarded with calls from people who either wanted to see me because they missed me or those who just wanted to make use of my uhm, many talents . Oh well, how can I escape my fate?

And, I don't want to make too much fuss about my long hiatus. I'm back now and that's all that matters!