02 December 2011

tours and detours

Rhondda Valley, South Wales

The tricky streets of London

Biking is better than smoking pot in Amsterdam

My Parisian ride

So much has happened these past years. After I plunged into oblivion in 2009 and allowed this blog to slowly decompose in www's purgatory, I have somehow managed to put up a business, closed a business, and opened another one. In the later part of 2010, I lived in Wales, UK for a month (this story will be retold here soon), got lost in Paris, attempted to smoke pot in Amsterdam (and this one too), and almost got hit by a car in London. This year, I published my own magazine, a major achievement and a lifelong dream that I've managed to pull off with a little help from an old friend.

Every six months, my life changes. If I had a reality TV show, I'd put the Kardashians out of work. There's always something exciting happening. I've moved a total of 3 times since 2009; renovated part of my husband's house, and gained an infuriating cat for a pet.

What remains constant? Why, motherhood of course! I am still a hands-on Mom. I cook dinner for my family. I help with my kids' homework and I still remind them to cut their nails. My son is now taller than me. I can no longer buy his shoes using my own feet as a guide and my daughter, who turned six a few months ago, now have the power to decide on what outfit to wear every time we leave the house.

Soon, it'll be 2012. What's in store for me then? Someone said that the best way to predict the future is to invent it. So I might do just that.

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